A recruitment project on top of your normal workload! Recruitment is a time consuming and rigorous process. We can assist.
We have an impressive track record assisting the Queensland Government with permanent recruitment projects ranging from AO to SES, DDG/ADG and Board appointments. You can select the services you require, including but not limited to drafting, placement and management of advertising response, candidate search and attraction, assessment and short listing (with a rationale to support our recommendations), candidate management and scheduling/formulating interviews, the provision of expert interviewers, scribing and completion of the selection report, reference/qualification checking.
Apart from saving you time, other benefits include an unbiased, external perspective, interviewing expertise aimed at getting the best out of an applicant and a seamless service with quick turnaround times meeting your reporting and probity requirements. The hidden costs and risks of recruitment can be high if a project is not well managed. From appeals to disgruntled applicants resulting from poor communication, you risk your reputation as an employer of choice. If it’s assurance and time savings you seek, give us a call and ask for a quote.